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6 things women really need when working out

What is a perfect workout at the gym? Looking neat and stylish in a stylish outfit and a flowing ponytail, gliding for an hour on the treadmill without breaking a sweat. Reality? A red face, sweaty armpits, messy hair, and old sweatpants - you know, that's the reality of a woman working out in real life. No matter how unrealistic our imagined expectations, they still make us worry about whether we're wearing the right clothes and what kind of high-tech designer water we should pack. But don't worry anymore. Here's our guide to the accessories we really need, from deodorant to protect you from sweat and body odor to the importance of a sports bra...

1. Headphones

Jogging in a silent gym is pretty boring. But when you hear your chosen song, you suddenly become a champion, racing towards the finish line while the crowd applauds around you. So remember to prepare your headphones to listen to your favorite songs.

2. Use and carry suitable body deodorant products

This is an extremely essential product to help you stay confident when working out at the gym. Please consider using Breeze's specialized body deodorant product for exercising - Spray Deodorant for men and women with perfume Spray Deodorant Breeze Sporting 150ml

3 A suitable sports bra

When deciding what to wear to the gym, we think it's up to you - whatever makes you feel comfortable. The only thing needed is a sports bra. Choose a suitable and comfortable sports bra for yourself.

4 Water

It doesn't have to be high-tech, scientifically advanced, celebrity-endorsed spring water – simple H2O will do the trick. Keep it within reach when exercising, but don't overdo it - only take a sip when you feel thirsty.

5 A gym companion

It can be helpful to have a friend around to say things like “I'll take a kickboxing class if you want” and “No, maybe we shouldn't put this off until next week.” Not to mention conversations that encourage confidence to motivate us

6 Firm will
This is the magic ingredient that makes us go to the gym instead of spending a night on the sofa. If you already have it, we highly commend you