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How to prevent hair breakage and split ends part 2

What is the main cause of hair loss?
Hair loss has many causes, even a combination of those causes can lead to hair damage. Some potential causes of hair loss can be avoided.
Comb your hair the wrong way

Brushing wet hair can cause hair breakage. Wet hair is very vulnerable because the bonds that hold the hair in place are broken. When wet, hair is easily crushed and can bend or move in ways that are not possible when dry.
Dry hair
Lack of conditioner when shampooing is also the main cause of chapped hair. When you wash your hair, shampoo cleans it by removing oil and dirt. The best shampoos use coat-enhancing surfactants to remove natural oils and dirt.

Then we need to use hair conditioners to smooth our hair. Conditioner is used to moisturize and replenish what has been lost by shampooing or is missing completely. If you don't use conditioner or hair conditioner, or if you only use shampoo when showering, your hair can become dry and brittle.

Hair styling with chemicals

Chemical hair styling methods can cause breakage and split ends. Hair relaxers, hair dyes, bleaches or perms can cause unpleasant side effects. These methods break the bonds, restructure them or strip the hair of nutrients and pigment. If hair is not properly moisturized before or after, this can affect the integrity of the natural hair and cause unwanted split ends.

Heat styling

Another common cause of hair loss? Heat styling tools.

Using curling irons, straighteners, or hair dryers when styling your hair (especially without using heat protectant) can cause hair breakage and frizz. You should use a dry towel or cold blow dryer instead of hot blow dryer.

Hair style

Styling your hair using hair styling devices such as hair ties and hair clips is also one of the causes of hair breakage and loss. Forcing hair to bend and maintain a shape that it cannot handle can easily break the strands. If you often cover your hair, you may want to consider whether the hairstyle will damage your hair.
What are the best ways to prevent hair breakage?

Hair loss is almost always preventable and certainly treatable. The best way to prevent hair loss is to avoid the causes of hair loss mentioned above.

Even if you can't stand letting your hair dry naturally and want to reach for hot tools, or if your hair tends to be dry, taking care of what we can control can give you relief. Helps a lot in preventing hair loss.

To brush your hair, wait until it is dry and be careful not to over-comb.

Moisture balance is an important part of the hair washing process. Dry hair can lead to breakage, and washing your hair only when necessary is a great first step. You can use conditioner or hair conditioner like Nubea's hair conditioner lines to help balance the moisture in your hair.

See part 1 here