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10 eye-opening facts about body odor

Dealing with body odor is something we reluctantly have to do when living in society. As we all know, body odor is unmistakable. Maybe you pass someone on the street and are surprised by their smell. Maybe you smell the scent of manual laborers. Maybe you're working out at the gym. Body odor is everywhere.

The strange thing about the smell of sweat is that it is both repulsive and attractive - depending on the situation. Body odor appeals to our animal instincts.

Here are 10 interesting facts about body odor.

1. Mechanism of odor production. Apocrine glands produce an odorless mixture of lipids and amino acids, as well as pheromones, which are metabolized by bacteria to produce foul sweat. Apocrine glands secrete much less sweat than eccrine glands, another type of sweat gland in the body. Sweat from the eccrine glands is odorless. A related note is that eccrine sweat glands are activated by the cholinergic sympathetic system; Meanwhile, the apocrine gland is activated by the adrenergic parasympathetic system.
2. Location. The armpit is the place with the highest density of apocrine sweat glands and the largest apocrine glands in the body. Apocrine sweat glands do not become active until puberty. In addition to the armpits, these glands are also located in the scalp, genital area, eyelids, ear canals and mammary glands. Very few apocrine glands are found on the face and abdomen. Men have larger apocrine sweat glands in their armpits than women, which is why men often have a more unpleasant odor.
3. Function. Human body odor can help in mate selection in two ways: 1) avoid inbreeding and 2) assess the health status of potential mates. Related to avoiding inbreeding, the odor of one's sweat can convey the complementarity of genes in one's immune system (i.e., human leukocyte antigens). Regarding health status, the smell of sweat changes with illness and infection.
4. Diet. Differences in diet are reflected in the smell of sweat. Research shows that women prefer the smell of men who eat a diet high in eggs, cheese, soy, fruits and vegetables compared to a red meat diet.
5. Attraction. The smell of sweat plays a more important role in assessing the attractiveness of women than of men. Another related thing is that women have a better sense of smell than men.
6. Decomposition of cells. During sweating, cells in the apocrine gland are partially lost due to sweating. In other words, sweat also contains cellular components.

7. Yellowness of skin color. Skin yellowness predicted sweat attractiveness for female judges in the study. The yellow color of the skin is said to reflect a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, or in other words, a healthy diet. This yellow color is derived from carotenoids in fruits and vegetables. (The only animal product that contains carotenoids is eggs.)
8. Level of smell. Scientists have developed the "Body Odor Disgust Scale" (BODS). BODS likely reflects vulnerability to disease. Remember that sweat changes odor based on exposure to pathogens, which reduces the odor's appeal to women.
9. Different scents. Different people harbor different bacteria in their armpits and other crevices. These types of bacteria create different odors such as sour smell, meat smell, onion smell, rotten egg smell.
10. Deodorant. Deodorants work in different ways: They kill bacteria, mask odors with perfume, and reduce sweating. Immediately use Breeze deodorant products - a long-standing famous perfume deodorant brand in Italy to help you always be confident with your body odor. Some outstanding products of Breeze are as follows:

Spray Deodorant Breeze Freschezza Talcata perfume for women 150ml

Spray Deodorant Breeze Men Fresh Protection 150ml