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Why do we sweat more when we are worried and stressed?

We all sweat, but there's something about stress that makes us sweat that we worry people can see - and worse - smell.

But rest assured. When your stress levels increase and you start to feel sweat under your arms, it may not be as obvious to others as you think.

However, sweating due to stress is slightly different from sweating that occurs when you get too hot. Read on to learn more about why stress sweat smells different and how to control it.

Why does stress sweating occur?

Stress is your body's natural response to a perceived threat. It causes a spike in adrenaline, cortisol, and other stress hormones. It also gets your heart rate up and your muscles tense to help prepare you for a fight.

Regarding sweat, it is secreted by sweat glands to:

  • Helps cool your body
  • Balance your body's electrolytes and fluids
  • Moisturize your skin
Your sweat glands are activated by nerves that can be sensitive to emotions, hormones, and other stressors. When you feel stressed, your body temperature increases, causing sweat glands to work harder.

While it's normal to sweat more when stressed, excessive sweating that affects your confidence or interferes with your life could be due to a medical condition, such as like hyperhidrosis. See your healthcare professional to discuss treatment options if you're worried that you're sweating too much.

Why does stress sweat smell different?

Your body contains 2 to 4 million sweat glands, most of which are eccrine glands. Eccrine glands cover most of your body, but they are found in greater numbers in the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, forehead, and armpits.

When body temperature increases due to physical activity or hot surroundings, the autonomic nervous system signals the endocrine glands to secrete sweat. This sweat is mainly made up of water, mixed with small amounts of salts and lipids. Sweat cools your skin and helps reduce temperature.

Then there are other sweat glands: the apocrine glands. Apocrine glands are larger and produce the majority of stress-related sweat. They are found in parts of your body that have a higher number of hair follicles, such as the genital area and armpits. Your armpits sweat about 30 times more when you're stressed than when you're at rest.

Sweat from your apocrine glands tends to be heavier and richer in protein and lipids. Fats and nutrients in this type of sweat combine with bacteria living on your skin, creating body odor.

How to control stress sweating?

Stress is an inevitable part of life and you will never be able to avoid it completely. But there are some things you can do the next time you find yourself sweating under pressure.

Use deodorant products to limit sweating

Antiperspirants contain ingredients that temporarily clog your sweat pores, reducing the amount of sweat produced on your skin. You can use Breeze's perfume-scented anti-perspirant deodorant product line. Use products like:

Take a bath every day

Bathing daily can help reduce the growth of bacteria on your skin. The less bacteria on your skin interacts with the sweat you produce, the less body odor you will produce.

Remember to dry your skin completely after bathing as warm, moist skin encourages the growth of bacteria and fungus.

Regularly shave/wax armpit hair

Armpits and pubic hair can accumulate sweat, oil, and bacteria. Trimming or shaving these areas not only reduces the amount of odor-causing bacteria, but also helps the antiperspirant reach the skin and do its job more easily.

Wear sweat absorbent pads

A thin, absorbent sweat pad is a barrier that attaches to the inside of your shirt to absorb underarm sweat. Wear these on days when you know your stress levels may be higher.

Is there any way to prevent it?

The only way to avoid stress sweating is to control your stress levels. This is easier said than done, but there are some techniques that can help.


Some studies have found that chewing reduces stress. A 2009 study found that people who chewed gum during times of stress had lower salivary cortisol levels and reduced stress and anxiety. Carry a pack of gum with you and chew a piece when you feel your stress levels rising.

Deep breath

Try practicing deep breathing as soon as you start to feel stressed. According to research, techniques like diaphragmatic breathing can quickly reduce stress and promote mental relaxation. This technique involves taking a long, slow breath and allowing your diaphragm to expand by expanding your abdomen as you inhale, then exhaling completely and drawing your abdomen in before repeating the process.

Listening to music

Research shows that music can promote relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety. Listening to music before a stressful event can help keep you from becoming overly stressed. If possible, put on headphones and listen to a few minutes of music you like before or during times of stress. Music can also be a great way to relieve stress after a stressful event.

Quick chat

Talking to a friend or relative can quickly reduce your stress. Studies have found that sharing your feelings with someone can reduce stress, especially if it's someone who shares your feelings. Call a friend or relative if you feel increased stress or take pity on a co-worker who may be feeling the same way.