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10 reasons why your scalp is damaged (part 2)

We have 10 of the most common causes of a sore scalp.

Check out the first 5 causes here .

6. Sunburn

Chances are you've got a sunburn somewhere on your body. You may be surprised to learn that the scalp can also get sunburned. People with medium or thin hair are more prone to scalp sunburn because the sun can penetrate fine hair more easily than thick hair.

Scalp sunburn can be especially painful when it's time to wash your hair or even. The best way to treat a sunburned scalp is to use cold water when shampooing, apply cold, moisturize, and avoid scratching.

You can also use hydrocortisone cream on a sunburned scalp. Sun hats are your best friend when it comes to preventing sunburn on the scalp in the first place! In addition, you can refer to Nubeà Solenium after-sun recovery shampoo and conditioner.

7. Autoimmune Disorders

Autoimmune disorders can affect the body in many ways, including the scalp. Autoimmune disorders result in the immune system attacking the body instead of protecting it. Some of the most common autoimmune disorders include Graves' disease, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, and multiple sclerosis.

Symptoms spread when your immune system perceives aspects of itself as a threat. Scalp pain can be the result of various types of psoriasis or a form of hair loss. Insomnia can be a form of scalp pain caused by an autoimmune disorder.

Some autoimmune diseases can lead to nerve damage and nerve pain. This means that certain areas of the body can become extremely sensitive to touch, causing the body to feel pain in response to a stimulus that would not normally cause pain. This is called insomnia.

8. Dandruff

You may have noticed little white flakes on your clean black shirt at some point in your life. Those flakes are called dandruff and are caused by yeast on a dry or oily scalp.

Certain skin conditions and weakened immune systems can make you more prone to dandruff. Depending on the severity, dandruff can lead to scalp pain in the form of itching.

More severe dandruff can be called seborrheic dermatitis and can be more painful. It is necessary to consult a doctor if dandruff is also accompanied by pain, sores and redness.

In addition, come to Nubeà's partner salon system to take care of scalp and dandruff problems with Nubeà specialized products for dandruff hair.

9. Regional hair loss

Alopecia areata is a disease that involves the immune system and is associated with other autoimmune disorders. The disease attacks the scalp and skin cells, damaging the hair follicles and causing hair loss.

Alopecia areata usually affects hair on the head and face but can also cause hair loss in the rest of the body. Stress plays an important role in this disease, as do all autoimmune diseases.

10. Hormones

For women, hormones can cause scalp pain due to increased production of prostaglandins during menstruation. Prostaglandins can make your scalp extremely sensitive, which can lead to pain with hair care, such as shampooing or stronger styling.

For those of us going through menopause, hormonal changes can be the culprit for scalp pain. Inflammation is known to occur during menopause, which means scalp damage is more likely to occur.
How to Treat (and Prevent!) Scalp Pain

The best way to treat and prevent scalp pain is to take care of the scalp delicately and with special attention. If you can pinpoint the exact cause of your scalp pain using the top 10 causes above, you're off to a great start.

You can also take a different approach by not styling your hair too tightly and monitoring your stress levels. Also, be sure to visually check your scalp for scabs, redness, or sunburn.

Conclusion _

Scalp pain is not something you need to deal with. Identifying what could be the reason or reasons behind your scalp pain is the first step towards pain relief.

If you find out that your scalp pain is caused by a skin condition or rash, you should see a dermatologist. If your scalp pain is due to something less serious, over-the-counter treatments may be the right solution. Of course, if you feel something is amiss, you'll want to consult a medical professional.

This article is not intended to replace medical advice but to provide you with information. Your scalp can be damaged solely by lifestyle factors such as a high ponytail, or it may be due to a medical condition. Knowing the most common causes of scalp pain can help you determine what to do to feel better.

Please refer to and use products extracted from nature from Nubeà house. Nubeà offers a complete line of products formulated and manufactured for scalp and hair health, which is essential for healthy hair. Nubeà's unique strength lies in the special synergy between Essential Oils and botanical extracts that help build the health and balance of the scalp and the beauty and vitality of hair.