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20 ways to help flat hair look more voluminous (part 2)

There's a reason your hair looks so glamorous when you leave the salon: the bounce after a cut (or dye). Although you can go to a hair salon to get your beauty done, you can also do it at home using a hair dryer.

20 ways to help flat hair look more voluminous (part 2)

There's a reason your hair looks so glamorous when you leave the salon: the bounce after a cut (or dye). Although you can go to a hair salon to get your beauty done, you can also do it at home using a hair dryer.

20 ways to help flat hair look more voluminous (part 1)

If you have thin or flat hair, you may have faced the problem of flat hair. While flat hair certainly has a beloved place in the hairstyling world for its shine, the lack of volume can be frustrating if you're looking for a more voluminous look. Good news: With the...

How to reduce hair loss: 8 tips to try

If you're looking to reduce hair loss, read below—we'll share some of our top tips for a healthy scalp and hair below.

How much hair loss is normal?

Just seeing curls falling out while bathing is enough to make anyone shudder. Before you panic, it's important to know that a certain amount of hair loss is completely natural and it happens to everyone. Of course, that raises the question: How much hair loss is normal — and when...

9 ways to keep red hair dye from fading longer

Shiny, brilliant red hair always gives you a strong impression. This rare hair color has vibrant tones that can range from lighter blonde tones like strawberry blonde to deep tones like warm auburn and velvet red. Whether you have naturally red hair or dyed hair, you know that fading can...

10 ways to prevent hair breakage

The ten tips below can help you stop worrying about hair breakage. 1. Be careful when brushing wet hair Hair breaks more easily when wet, so never pull wet curls with a comb. Instead, slowly comb through damp hair with a wide-toothed comb, starting at the roots and working your...

What causes hair breakage?

Damaged hair can take many forms, such as frizz or split ends, which eventually lead to hair breakage. If you have shorter strands around your hairline or your hair feels thinner at the ends, it could be due to breakage. Hair breakage occurs in dry strands, often due to frequent...

How to care for high-porosity hair to help optimally absorb moisture in the hair (part 2)

Keep your hair moisturized One of the easiest ways to provide long-lasting moisture to high-porosity hair is the LOC method: liquid (or conditioner), oil, and cream. This hair care technique involves combining water or water-based products, conditioners, and hair creams to help your mane retain moisture. You should also always...

How to care for high-porosity hair to help optimally absorb moisture in the hair (part 1)

Hair porosity is an important component in maintaining hair health and care. Whether you know all about low porosity and high porosity or you don't even know the difference between them, hair porosity is important to your overall hair care and the products you use. for hair.

How to moisturize your scalp

Whether regular visits to the hair salon are part of your hair care routine or you're a DIY hair queen who tackles this problem at home, it's imperative that you incorporate a scalp moisturizer into your routine. your regular hair care routine. After all, you wouldn't skip your daily facial...

How to fix tangled hair part 2

How to untangle knotted hair Now that you know what causes tangles, keep reading to learn how to remove tangles with the right hair products and procedures. Here, discover step-by-step instructions on how to detangle hair and tips for different hair types.

How to fix tangled hair part 1

If you've ever been frustrated with messy hair and wanted to cut off the tangles, you're not alone. Tangled hair is so annoying that it can make you act out, but unless you're ready for an impromptu short haircut, put down the scissors. You can easily rescue and untangle your...

How to determine what type of scalp you have

Healthy hair starts from a healthy foundation. We can consider our skin type when using a cleanser or moisturizer and it can even affect the foundation. We use it when we want perfect makeup. But have you ever considered your scalp when choosing hair care products for yourself? Your scalp...

How to wash hair properly for thin hair

Different hair types require different hair care techniques. The right hair washing routine depends largely on your hair type. To understand the best way to clean your hair, you must be familiar with your hair type and its specific needs. That's why here we will share the definition of thin...

How to take care of long hair part 2

LONG HAIR CARE #7: CREATE HAIR STYLES THAT DO NOT STRESS YOUR HAIR AND SCALP Just as some hair ties can cause hair loss, hairstyles are no exception. Hair clippers that are too tight can cause tension and stress, affecting hair health. Luckily, you can tweak your styling routine a...

How to take care of long hair part 1

You may have heard the saying “don't worry about long hair,” but that shouldn't apply to your hair care routine. It's best to make sure you always take proper care of your hair regardless of its length. Of course, just because you have more hair to care for than someone...

Should you wash your hair first or use conditioner first?

If it's wash day when you get in the shower, it will feel natural to reach for the bottle of shampoo before reaching for the conditioner. After all, it makes sense that we want to clean our hair and then moisturize it.

Benefits and ways to use caffeine to help support hair growth part 2

Caffeine affects the roots of your hair growth: literally. Since dihydrotestosterone is the culprit behind hair loss in many people, caffeine takes over and takes DHT out of the loop. Another way that caffeine can be used to stimulate hair growth is through its use as a stimulant. This not...

Benefits and ways to use caffeine to help support hair growth part 1

Can caffeine prevent hair loss? Or even better, can caffeine help promote hair growth? It may sound unbelievable, but the concept that caffeine helps hair grow faster is definitely rooted in reality. Caffeine can help ease us from the cozy bed into the work world on a lazy Monday morning,...

How to prevent hair breakage and split ends part 2

What is the main cause of hair loss? Hair loss has many causes, even a combination of those causes can lead to hair damage. Some potential causes of hair loss can be avoided. Comb your hair the wrong way Brushing wet hair can cause hair breakage. Wet hair is very...